
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Garden Critters

Short post today because I have some cute pictures to share. 
Here are some adorable little friends I have encountered in my garden this season. 

This poor little guy slammed into our front windows. He was pretty dazed and was willing to hop on my hand. I put him up in a tree to keep him away from the mean old cat next door. 
Gulf coast ribbon snake (or Texas Patchnose snake?)
 I think its hole flooded, because this was a few hours after we had 3 inches of rain.
 He climbed up on the window sill of our screen porch. 
Tree Frog hiding inside a corn stalk.

Rough earth snake. I see him or his friends often when I move pots around.
 They hang out under pots, and hold very still when spotted, but as soon as you look away, they disappear. 
Berwyn says: Where'd my squirrel go, you guys?