
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Summer Garden

It has finally cooled down slightly, and we have had a good rain, but this summer was the most brutal one I have lived to tell about. Our trips to Houston were our only relief from the extreme heat, which says a lot. With zero rain triple-digit temperatures for a record breaking 90-ish days, keeping the garden going was a miracle. I did have a few guys who survived all the way through. My chives are still going strong after a 2nd summer and the aloe vera is happy. That's about it.

In July I added a bunch of new plants. Some were cuttings from my mom's tropical paradise of a garden, and some were purchased.
Fig tree from my parents' yard. Strawberries.

Plumbago. Wandering Jew. 

These all croaked. 

Speaking of croaking... I wondered what kept knocking over the seedlings and found this little guy in the pot one evening. Also, impressively, that plumbago seedling in this picture is doing quite well now. I thought it was a goner. 
In September, I added a bunch of new plants to the garden to get my autumn kitchen garden going. So far so good, I think. I just hope that I get a good harvest before we get a freeze.
The July plantings are coming along well. 
Roma tomatoes

Grape tomatoes, oregano, and purple bell peppers. Also some little yellow tomatoes that didn't take so well to the heat. They are "not quite dead yet!" so I'm keeping them in to see what happens. 

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